Thursday 20 November 2014

Song Quest

I bought the book Song Quest by Katherine Roberts at an SPCA charity book sale . It was one of their R50 sales, i.e. buy a bag for R50 and you can fill it with as many books as you’d like. Winning!

Sunday 16 November 2014


I first discovered Msaki through my very cool friend Randomarivate. Rhandz had seen Msaki perform in Pretoria and when she got back to CT, she introduced me to Msaki’s street performance of ‘Dear Youth on Youtube. I was hooked.

She (Msaki not Rhandzu ;)) is an ah-may-zing singer-songwriter.

Thursday 13 November 2014


I've been (half) participating in the #BlogVember challenge created by Love, Kids And Other Things and CupcakeMummy.

I say half, because I've only been completing the photo tasks for the various days... Currently, life is not affording me time to write the required posts! *sadness*

Monday 10 November 2014

Turkey Logistics

This post covers the logistics of the trip, i.e. flights, accommodation, etc. We were a group of 10 people. Yikes!

This large number posed a challenge when looking for accommodation for a number of reasons:
1) we wanted to stay together in one place;
2) the place had to have more than one bathroom;
3) place had to be as cheap as possible while still being nice; and
4) free wifi would be welcomed with open arms (this was a necessity for some of the social media addicts in the group *wink*)

Friday 7 November 2014

Turkey Baby!

Before April 2014, I had never travelled internationally. NEVER. As a result, major travel FOMO had set in and I was at a point that I was ready to go anywhere and do anything! During December 2013, Qatar Airlines was running a special on return flights between Cape Town and Turkey. My sister and her friends snapped up the special and I decided to join them.