Monday 10 November 2014

Turkey Logistics

This post covers the logistics of the trip, i.e. flights, accommodation, etc. We were a group of 10 people. Yikes!

This large number posed a challenge when looking for accommodation for a number of reasons:
1) we wanted to stay together in one place;
2) the place had to have more than one bathroom;
3) place had to be as cheap as possible while still being nice; and
4) free wifi would be welcomed with open arms (this was a necessity for some of the social media addicts in the group *wink*)

We scored big time on the accommodation because the three places we stayed at ticked all of the necessary criteria (Thank goodness for the internet and trip advisor). We also saved money because we could share rooms so accommodation was much cheaper than what was originally anticipated (Total accommodation cost R2200.00).

The most expensive aspect of the trip (besides activities, etc.) was the interconnecting flights between cities. This amounted to R2500.00, i.e. nearly half of what we paid to fly to Turkey and back (R5600.00). But we wanted to visit three cities, Istanbul, Cappadocia and Izmir, so the interconnecting flights was a necessary cost.

See below for the summary of the trip:

For some reason, I can't make a table in blogspot. I've uploaded the trip summary as a picture. The links for the accommodation places are Hotel Baylan Basmane, Travellers Cave Pension and Sultan Apartments.

I’ll write about each of the cities we visited. I have so much to share, once I eventually remember what we actually did! The plan was to keep a travel diary, but I can’t seem to find any entries towards the end of the trip… Oops! I've asked the travel buddies to pitch in and jog my memory.

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