Wednesday 25 February 2015

Practicing Islam in Short Shorts

I came across the story "Practicing Islam in Short Shorts" via social media. It resonates with me so strongly that I had to share it on this platform as well. I've pasted an excerpt below.

The scenario I'm about to describe has happened to me more times than I can count, in more cities than I can remember, mostly in Western cities here in the U.S. and Europe.

I walk into a store.  There's a woman shopping in the store that I can clearly identify as Muslim. In some scenarios she's standing behind the cash register tallying up totals and returning change to customers. She's wearing a headscarf. It's tightly fastened under her face where her head meets her neck. Arms covered to the wrists. Ankles modestly hidden behind loose fitting pants or a long, flowy dress. She's Muslim. I know it. Everyone around her knows it. I stare at her briefly and think to myself, "She can't tell if I'm staring at her because I think she is a spectacle or because I recognize something we share."

I realize this must make her uncomfortable, so I look away. I want to say something, something that indicates I'm not staring because I'm not familiar with how she chooses to cover herself. Something that indicates that my mother dresses like her. That I grew up in an Arab state touching the Persian Gulf where the majority dresses like her. That I also face East and recite Quran when I pray.

- Thanaa El-Naggar 

Friday 30 January 2015

God of Small Things

The God of Small Things is one of my favourite books of all time.

I found this book when I was in high school. It was sitting on the recently returned shelf at the Cape Town Central Library. The book cover intrigued me: moody-looking lily pads. So I checked it out of the library and read it.

Moody lily-pads

Wednesday 21 January 2015


Lately, I have been feeling a bit bruised and battered, and then I came across this

"and i said to my body. softly.
'i want to be your friend.'
it took a long breath and replied
'i have been waiting my whole life for this.' "
 - Nayyirah Waheed (Instagram & Twitter)

Thursday 15 January 2015

Hoop, there it is!

I have been bit by the hooping bug! Blame the Clifton Fire Jam that happened in December. There were probably about 2000 people on the beach that night appreciating the flow artists and performers. It was wonderful! As a result, I've started hooping classes with Connect And Flow.

What is hooping you ask? It is dancing with a hula hoop, i.e. hula hooping/hoop dancing. Take what you did when you were a child and just add music!

At the moment I look quite awkward...

Friday 9 January 2015


After a crazy start to the week, I've been feeling like The Time Traveller's Wife...

Sleep is my lover now,
my forgetting,
my opiate,
my oblivion.

Monday 5 January 2015

Seeing Samsung

Wazzup 2015! New Year, New Start and all that jazz. Peace and love to you all.

For the month of December I completed the Girl Gone International photo a day challenge (Photo Challenge). It was great fun and a few of my photos were featured on the GGI’s page! Yay!

It’s now time for a new challenge.

*drum roll*