Sunday 21 December 2014

Turkey: Souvenirs

In response to my travel posts about Turkey (Turkey Baby! and Turkey Logistics), I had a query from Verbal Sid about souvenir shopping and packing them for the return flight to South Africa. Thanks for the query Sid! I am gonna be lazy and copy and paste our email conversation. 

Friday 19 December 2014

Stars & Stripes

I've slowly been uncovering a passion for all things DIY. Growing up, I would openly say that I was not a creative person. However, with age comes wisdom and acceptance of oneself... I now realise that creativity takes on many different forms.

One such form is my enjoyment of planning a birthday party or get together. It’s the small details that can make an event that much more special.You can read about some of my event planning forays on the blog (Monster Party and The Great Gatsby).

Thursday 11 December 2014

Tim Hutchinson

So, Tim Hutchinson. I met Tim at Bay Harbour Market. He was performing with Msaki (read more about her here).

Tim is awesome! And I fan-girled! As with Msaki, I have no regrets.

I can’t help it. When someone is talented and wonderful and all other positive adjectives you can think of, I cannot contain myself. They inspire me!

Allow Tim to inspire you by checking him out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and SoundCloud. His album, Like A Tree, is also available on iTunes.

PS: that is not Tim on the cover. No, I didn't think that was him *looks away*

Monday 8 December 2014

Photo Challenge

So, confession: I used to own a Blackberry. It was as recent as 31 October 2014. But my contract finally came to an end and I was able to upgrade. Yay! The reason for my new found happiness was that I could finally have an Instagram account. Delayed, I know.

I love taking photos. I love looking at photos. I love sharing photos. Because of this love (obsession?) I almost immediately took on the more conventional photo-a-day challenge as part of a 365 project. It's not a very complicated challenge, i.e. there is no theme and you literally take a pic/upload a photo each day. But for someone like me who is just starting on the 'photo-camera-enthusiast' journey it's a good way to start developing the camera-photo-taking skills.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Time to Dance!

It's that crazy time of the year when everyone crams to finish all work before the festive season closure. Can you hear the excitement in my voice?

Grumpy Cat